Zorro (probabilistic alignment masking)

ZORRO is a probabilistic masking program that assigns confidence scores to each column in a multiple seqeunce alignment. These scores can then be used to account for alignment accuracy in phylogenetic inference pipelines.

Zorro is written primarily by Martin Wu, Sourav Chatterji and Aaron Darling.

A paper describing it was published January 17, 2012 in PLoS One. Wu M, Chatterji S, Eisen JA (2012) Accounting For Alignment Uncertainty in Phylogenomics. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30288. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030288.

More detail can be found in a blog post on “The Tree of Life” blog by Jonathan Eisen: New openaccess paper from my lab on “Zorro” software for automated masking of sequence alignments

5 thoughts on “Zorro (probabilistic alignment masking)”

  1. I enjoy the program, it seems to work well. One question when trying to incorporate it into raxml runs: raxml -a option requires integer values and ZORRO provides rational numbers. How does one solve this issue? It isn’t made plain in the publication or in any google search readings. Thanks again!


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